What should I consider when buying art?

  1. Personal Connection: Choose art that resonates with you emotionally. Look for pieces that evoke positive feelings or memories.
  2. Harmony with Space: Consider your home’s style and personality. Match the art to your decor—whether you’re a minimalist, colour lover, or traditionalist.
  3. Scale: If a first-time buyer, start with smaller artworks to brighten up spaces. However, larger affordable pieces can make a big impact. Balance room dimensions with size.
  4. Materials. When choosing you artwork ensure that the art materials are suitable for the location where it is to be hung. Art should generally be hung in area's that have stable temperature, low humidity and away from direct sunlight. An exception to this general rule is aluminium art which is much more forgiving.
  5. Legacy. When buying original art most people expect them to be capable of lasting decades, given good care. However, the choice of art and framing materials can have a big impact on the longevity of the piece. Inspect the frame, ask about the quality of the art materials, including acid free backing, pigment density, UV glazing etc.
  6. Authenticity. When buying original or limited edition art ask for a certificate of authenticity from the artist and/or gallery. Use Google image search to check if the credentials match expectations.
  7. Transportation and Storage. The safest place for any art painting is considered to be hanging on the wall! If you require advice on hanging, moving, transporting or storing your paintings then please contact steve@gigglewick.co.uk.